Community Spirit
Shine a Light
The aim of the ‘Shine a Light’ project is to bring attention to the work undertaken by volunteers in homeless outreach services. The project group interviewed volunteers, from various homeless charities and services, increasing awareness of the benefits behind the work they do – for the volunteers in addition to the homeless. The intention of the project is to broaden our understanding of what homelessness is, how it is manifested and how it is experiences. The main output from the project is the creation of a video, comprised of the interviews conducted with individuals volunteering in Limerick.
- Video: Shine A Light – Limerick Volunteers (click here)
Moyross Made Me
Working with local consultations and community partners, this project sought to explore young people and children’s aspirations – with a particular focus on the Moyross area. The group conducted interviews with three adults from the area who are successful in their respective fields. They also carried out interviews and surveys with youths in the Moyross area. The aim being to identify the barriers and enablers to young people identifying and pursuing their ambition. The findings of the research was presented back to all who took part in the research in a celebratory event.
Wall of Hope
The aim of the project is to promote positive mental health in the Garryowen area and beyond, with a particular focus on youth mental health. The group will achieve this by creating a mural, which will contain positive affirmations in addition to information on local help lines and services in the Garryowen and wider Limerick area. The group is working with Limerick Enterprise Development park on the creation and design of the mural and with the Garryowen Residents Association to identify the most impactful place to display the mural in the area.
The Wellbeing Way
- Video: Community-Engaged Learning – The Wellbeing Way (click here)
- View: The Wellbeing Way – Digital Booklet (click here)
One Million Stars
One Million Stars Against Violence was originally established in 2012, in Queensland, Australia, by Maryann Talia Pau as a means of condemning violence and demonstrating solidarity, and in particular towards women who have been impacted by domestic violence. As partners on the Limerick One Million Stars project CWELL is working with The Hunt Museum, ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services, Mental Health Ireland and Limerick City and County Council The project brings communities together to engage in a creative project that demonstrates our support and solidarity with those who experience violence, particularly domestic violence. The star is a symbol of light, hope, and solidarity and together, through star weaving, we can collectively take a stand toward ending violence in Ireland.
For more on One Million Stars:
Tea Parties for Elderly
The Social CWELL project group recognized high levels of social isolation among the older members of their communities. The project aimed to offer social outings for the elderly in their communities. A significant amount of research was undertaken with elderly groups across the city to establish the type of outing that would be suitable. The group planned to host four annual tea parties: a Valentine Ball; an Easter Bonnet ball; a Christmas Party and a Halloween Party. Plans for the first event were well advanced when COVID-19 necessitated its cancellation. Limerick City and County Council granted the Social CWELL project group €4,000 towards the costs of these events, further developing local synergies between the Council, Community and University.
Limerick Let’s Talk about Our Mayor
The members of Supportive CWELL project group were keen to build both their personal and their community’s capacity to identify community needs through community conversations/consultations. The group were in the initial stages of planning their community conversations when they were asked to support the Your Mayor, Your Voice campaign. This campaign sought the opinions of people across Limerick City and County Council in relation to the role of the Limericks first directly elected Mayor. The Supportive CWELL group were essential to the success of this campaign and provided invaluable community insight.
UL Press release (click here)
UL Links:
Active Moms
The Healthy CWELL group members were concerned with the health interventions that offered both an active lifestyle and a chance to socialise with peers. They identified that young Mothers in their community were particularly in need of such an intervention. They designed an introductory 5 week gym programme involving a one hour gym session per week. The unique aspect of this programme is that those organising and leading it including the gym instructor were all local young women themselves. The group piloted the initiative in Nov/Dec 2019 with 6 young Mothers. The programme was very well received and when offered again in early March 2020 35 young women registered. Unfortunately, it was not possible for the second round of the Active Moms programme to go ahead due to the Covid 19 lock down.
Southill Hub Community Garden
The Green CWELL group were interested in green issues – recycling, waste management, eco gardens etc. As a group they decided to research the possibility of a community garden in their community. As part of their research they visited the Southill Hub Community Garden. This community garden had been a valuable community resource however budget and staff costs as well as dwindling volunteer numbers meant that the garden was in decline. The group were keen to lend their support and thus their project become the revitalization of the Southill Hub Community Garden. They achieved this in a variety of ways, volunteering their time in the garden, securing funding, and encouraging greater use of the garden by the local community. The group created and successfully led a series of events in the garden including a Christmas event, Valentine Day event and a jewelry making day. The aim of such events was to encourage increased and more diverse use of the garden as a community amenity.
Community Allotment Project
This project provides opportunities for community residents in St Mary’s to plant and harvest their own fruit and vegetables in local allotments. It is hoped that the allotments will encourage healthy lifestyles, reduce isolation, improve the health and mental wellbeing of the community and become a source of happiness, wellbeing and pride.
Soundcloud Podcast:
Kings Island Playground and Outdoor Fitness Centre
July 2020, saw the successful conclusion of a CWELL project which began as part of the first CWELL class of 2014 -2016. The project involved the design and development of a playground in the Kings Island area of the city. The CWELL students who are members of the Kinds Island community spent 5 years working with the community to advocate for this essential amenity. The project represents a successful example of local people coming together to effect real and lasting change in their community. The park to was successfully launched with local media coverage, including a piece on Limerick 95 FM
- 10 August 2020 Kings Island Playground and Outdoor Fitness are open: Playground Launch (click here)
- Interviews with CWELL students, Samantha Roche, Gerardine Quinlivan and CWELL Course Director, 2013-2016, Bernie Quillinan (click here)